Today the Chipudnik Development Team (thats us) has oficially started its first project, a Linux Distro, titled, Enigma.
So What is Enigma?
Right now, Enigma is an idea. But soon Enigma, will Become an amazing operating system built from the linux kernel. it will come jam-packed with everything you need for a fully functional Linux Distro.
The Linux Distro Designed With You in Mind
Productivity: Enigma will come complete with, a program which will allow you to make slideshows, documents, and spreadsheets just like Microsoft Office would. Best of all it's free and open source! it will of course also include basic tools such as a calculator, and simple text editor, if your needs are minimal, we've got you covered, but what about those of use who need something a little bit more functional than just a boring business-ish system? how about say, photo editing?
The GNU Image Manipulation Program has been around for a while, but have you ever even given it a try? its esentially a very powerful photo editor, (like Photoshop from Adobe) that can handle nearly whatever you need it to do. for the newbies, it will take a bit of getting used to, but for those of us who have used photoshop before, this is the next best thing.
Not a Newbie? No problem. Enigma will also include some of the latest and greatest developer applications such as Python and Eclipse. both are great tools to have and are often considered to be necesities. we will also include many of the top used and best linux apps in use at the time of release.
KDE GNOME or Xfce?
well, we would like to use Xfce for our first release, and if everything runs smoothly, create versions useing KDE and GNOME as well. finally, in our release of Version 2, we will hopefully have our own custom desktop enviornment which feature many ease of use tools, as well as eye candy and various multi-tasking options.
Thats all for now, tomorrow i will write about other intended features and then afterwards provide updates about our projects. thanks for reading